Cape Breton Housing Mailing List

The Cape Breton Partnership, together with Cape Breton South Recruiting for Health (CBSRH) and the recently formed Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) Community Health Recruitment & Retention Committee have launched an initiative for landlords to share their information with Healthcare Navigators to support the attraction, recruitment and retention of healthcare professionals in Cape Breton-Unama’ki.

The sign-up form will gather information from existing landlords to create a confidential housing list to help identify suitable accommodation for professionals in healthcare and other industries when they are arriving. 

Landlords, real estate agents or others who have accommodations available for professionals are encouraged to subscribe to this mailing list. All information will be kept private and confidential and will only be used as a resource for Healthcare Navigators who are seeking housing for healthcare professionals to relocate to Cape Breton-Unama’ki.

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